Thursday, November 13, 2014


Within the past week or so, I have REALLY tried to organize my ideas, inspirations and thoughts.  I can not stay on topic or even sit down for more than 10 minutes at a time. Imagine planning a wedding with a 5 year old drama queen who has ADHD. I often get sidetracked by the littlest things and blurt out whatever idea popped into my mind that second.
Donna, can not handle my disorganized mind and Sarah doesn't help it. We (Donna, Sarah and I) made a small step in the right direction. We organized what vendors we have and which vendors we still need. Lets just say, I have yet to make a dent in this list.

With the Holidays coming we are trying to get a chunk of the vendors booked before Thanksgiving (which is 14 days away). Team Lambert is really killing this wedding thing. We are over budget and behind schedule (typical). While we are trying to get into gear with the wedding, we(team Lambert) have managed to plan a baby shower for one of my best friends in two weeks. We booked a location, picked a menu, ordered custom invitations, decided on decor, and helped with the  registry.  We are able to make decisions for others but never ourselves. With so many options how do you know when to stop looking or know what vendor will execute exactly what we are looking for? I have mentioned this before, but its true. Price is a major factor with planning a wedding. YES, I am beyond lucky I have help from my parents and trust me I am forever grateful!  But that doesn't mean that we are not contributing. Matt and I have decent jobs and live comfortably, but we can’t come up with thousands of dollars within a day or two for a deposit on the flowers, photographer, or videographer. Its a difficult situation, and where do we cut back?

Our wedding day is a once in a lifetime event. We want to capture every moment, have photographs and videos to remember it with. But those memories come with a hefty price tag. We promised ourselves that we would not spend anything we didn’t have. I will not be paying back my wedding like I pay back Sallie Mae. That being said, do we give up capturing these moments to say within budget? The budget that we are already over, might I add. A videographer is something that I would love to have. Partially because I cry watching samples of other people’s stories/ weddings. The other because, 50 years from now I want to relive that night.

What do we do? How do we know what’s a good deal? When do we bite the bullet?  What do we sacrifice?
