As a form of therapy and trying to keep myself sane, I figured I’d let some people get a laugh out of my stress and the crazy things that come with planning my wedding (which can easily be defined as a circus).
Quick background: Matt and I met in college while he was dating my college roommate (yes, I know what you’re thinking). At that time, I never had any interest in his "bad boy"antics. A couple of years later (well after my roommate and Matt broke up), he appeared at a party with a mutual friend. From that moment on, I never looked at him the same. There was something about him that I guess I have never noticed before. Was it love at first sight…? Well, not exactly, but definitely close. After a long night of drinking and talking, Matt and I knew something was different between us.
The next morning he was leaving for a three day work trip to NYC (we texted and talked the entire time he was there). When he came back, we were inseparable. Just a few short weeks later, he moved in. The plan was for this to be a temporary situation. His lease was up and was going to find an apartment the following month. Welp, needless to say, that never happened.
For all of you who know my family, are aware that Tiger (my dad) and I have a special and rare relationship. Friends? Drinking partners? Emotional wrecks? Drunken talkers? Take your pick. Anyway, the fact that I had to ask my dad if Matt could live with me had me shaking in my boots (which were most likely heels I purchased with money I should have paid bills with). When Tiger came up to my apartment to join in some post-grad drinking festivities, I asked him. I was shocked to hear how calm he was. He was actually okay with Matt moving in. Yes, it was quick but, it was right for us.
Fast-forward a few years (some time around April 2012) Matt was told he was being relocated to Westchester, NY. He came home with a new puppy in his hands and mumbled, "We are moving to NY". Even though this was a slick idea, I did hear him! Matt left 2 weeks later with a duffel bag, excited to start this new adventure.
I, on the other hand did NOT handle the news well. I have never been a person who liked to be away from home. I blame my severe anxiety on my lovely, amazing, beautiful, and creative mother. She left me at overnight camp when I was about 11 and I haven’t been the same since.
After months and months of going back and forth, I packed up the house Matt and I were living in. I left my walk-in closet, back porch, garden and central vacuum system to start a new adventure in a 1,100 square foot apt in White Plains, NY. Yes, it may have taken me a lot longer than normal to feel comfortable with my new surroundings, but eventually I did! It's not my ideal situation, but I am with my ideal person. Matt, Lincoln, and I have made great friends and will continue to further our careers while we are here.
Okay, so to get back on track, I've been bugging Matt about getting engaged for.. I don't even know how long now. Most people leave subtle hints, not me! I was right in his face! So, after a solid year of hounding him, we started to look for rings. Me being me--can never make it easy or have something typical. The stone I wanted to "show" Matt was called a mine cut. This antique cushion cut was made from the late 1800s, up to the 1930s. These rare, hand cut stones are both beautiful and unique (and just what I wanted).
Matt and I are not anniversary-gift giving, sappy people. We make up a day every year some time in April to celebrate. This year, I was onto him. We were planning a big event for both of our families and friends to be a part of. Matthew’s amazing father suffers from Parkinson's disease and this year we joined the Parkinson's walk in NYC. I had a hunch that he was going to ask me that weekend. I told my bestie, Justine that I had a feeling. She called me crazy and we moved on.
For months, Matt was being a real pain. I later found out that it was on purpose. He was trying to find out how far he could really push me. YEAH, that was fun…
The weekend of the Parkinson's walk was quickly approaching and I just had to know. I mean really, what if I didn't have my nails done, have a decent outfit or waterproof mascara? I asked Matt's best friend Sean if he knew anything. He quickly responded “NO!”. So there I am, the “crazy” girlfriend who just asked his best friend if Matt was going to ask me to marry him. God, what was I thinking? Now they are all going to think I'm nuts. Sean Immediately called Matt and said "Dude, she's on to you!". Truth be told, Sean is the only one that threw me off!
A week later, Matt and I picked a random Thursday to celebrate our anniversary. He was working late and told me to get ready because we were going to leave as soon as he got in. So what did I do? I took my sweet time, tried on my entire closet, poured a glass of wine, and got ready. He finally came home and continued to rush me. He asked if I wanted to open cards before we left. Still taking my time, Matt opens his first. I'm not going to lie, my card was not so nice. Remember, he was "testing" me so I wasn't very happy with him. I remember him muttering under his breath "this is perfect". Before he rushed me out the door for dinner, I sat down and opened my card. It read “Let's make this anniversary one to remember." I looked over at Matt in confusion, to see him STANDING UP with a beautiful ring in his hand. I do not exactly remember if he actually asked me to marry him or just said “here”. Not like I’d blame him, I had been nagging for well over a year. I said “YES!”, cried, and hugged him. Although, that moment was short lived because have trained our dog Lincoln to bark when anyone hugged or kissed me. Whoops!
Now that you have heard the back story, I hope you continue to get a kick out of the rest of this adventure we are on. Trust me, there is plenty more of it to come.